Jill Stein

Chicago Illinois

A much needed, decent, well spoken, sensible & logical 3rd party candidate for 2024! Dr. Jill Stein.

DONATE: https://www.jillstein2024.com/donate
VOLUNTEER: https://www.jillstein2024.com/volunteer
SIGNUP: https://www.jillstein2024.com/signup

Lina Khan

London England

Only policy that ever came out of the FTC or any other Federal Regulatory Agency in decades that actually benefit the American working class is thanks to this brilliant lady.
Lina Khan, thank you!!

Ron DeSantis

Jacksonville Florida

As a Californian I cannot agree with you more on everything you mentioned in this debate. Gavin Newsom has run California to the ground. Period!

You have earned respect for simply stating the truth, which Californians already know! (except apparently Gavin Newsom).

Liz Cheney

Madison Wisconsin

Once the dust settles, people will realize what you stood for. You will one day undoubtedly become the first female president of the United States of America & I’d vote for you in a heartbeat!

Dr. Jason Oh, DDS

Palmdale California

Dr. Oh is such a kind, genuine and down to earth human being who’s an absolute gem of a dentist. His staff is equally superb in every which way possible. Professional, thorough and caring with all that they do. A true healer in every aspect, a rare find especially in this day and age.